Sunday, December 30, 2007

more sad news

date: Aug 2, 2006 6:08 AM
subject: more sad news

Dear Friends and Family,

I didn't think I'd have to write another e-mail like this for a long time, if ever. Yesterday afternoon Michael Levin z"l, one of my best friends from kibbutz ulpan at Kvutzat Yavneh, the guy we climbed the grain tower with and went hay jumping with and barbeques and nights out in Jerusalem and 4:00 in the morning talks about soul mates, was killed in southern Lebanon. He was only 22.

For the first time in my life I don't even have words to explain this... everything feels so surreal. To see another friend's face staring up from the front page of the paper (and a terrible picture because none of us would talk to the newspapers before we talked to his parents). Please watch the news in the states and tell me what it says about him. He was an oleh (immigrant) from Philadelphia. He was our friend.

Those of you here in Israel and the states please stay safe and cherish every moment. I just don't know what else to say

why you, mikey, why of all people did it have to be you???

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